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Customizing E-junkie

Require a minimum order to allow checkout

To do this, you need to be selling from your own Web site and using our standard shopping cart HTML button codes—note that our Add to Cart Text Links, or Buy Now or Product Page buttons/links will not work for this—and make sure that our shopping cart appears as an overlay within your own sales page when a Cart button is clicked. To get this overlay-style cart display, you need to paste one copy of our Cart Script code into each sales page of your site. You can copy that Cart Script code from your E-junkie Dashboard under Manage Products > Get Purchase Buttons/Links—select Cart as the button type, copy the Cart Script code provided there, and paste that into every sales page on your site where you have any E-junkie Cart buttons.

Then you can paste this extra code into every sales page of your site where you want to require a minimum order to allow checkout, and note where you'd need to change a 0 to your required minimum(s) in this code:

var EJData = null;
var EJConfig = {};
EJConfig.onload = cartLoaded;
EJConfig.onProceedToPayment = onProceedToPayment;

function onProceedToPayment(data, cb) {
    if (typeof data != "undefined")
      EJCCData = data;
    let CartTotal = EJData.Cart.Metadata.total.cart_total;

/* Change this 0 to your minimum cart total (if required): */
    if (CartTotal >= 0) {

function cartLoaded(x) {

/* Change this 0 to your minimum cart quantity (if required): */
    var itemsCount = 0;
    if (typeof x !== "undefined") {
    EJData = x;
    if (EJData.Cart.Items)
        for (var ii = 0; ii < EJData.Cart.Items.length; ii++)
            itemsCount = itemsCount + EJData.Cart.Items[ii].quantity;