Pleasure Island #2

Having forgotten their past as boys, Pinocchio and Lampwick are enjoying their stay at Pleasure Island, but all the please comes with a price… one that the island will take, sooner or later.


Bullet; Green Pages: 17 + 1 Cover

Bullet; Green TF: Weredonkey/Breast Expansion/Multibreast/Butt Expansion

Bullet; Green Digital comic

Bullet; Green Only for adults (18+)

Bullet; Green Editing by Locofuria copyright 2021

Bullet; Green Lineart by Gunawanistiadi1278

Bullet; Green Colors by Josukespimphand

Bullet; Green Lettering by Jess Havok 

Bullet; Green Cover colors by Art of Helios 

Bullet; Green Art by Homero Go

Bullet; Green Commissioned by TonyRowe1

29.72 MB PDF

USD 9.00

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