Ice Cream Cones and Frozen Pops - Single User

Close to 60 pages of therapeutic-grade interventions that you can use at home, school, childcare settings and counseling offices is what you'll find inside. It's our premiere and exclusive resource that really helps kids better manage anger. With printables, posters, activities, anger techniques and tips, you'll be well on your way to helping your youngsters keep as "chill" as possible.

I developed and started using these techniques at home with my own kids and have used them in my office with thousands of kids. These interventions have also been used in preschools and early childhood classrooms in several locations.

What you'll get:

57 pages of therapeutic-grade interventions

Anger strategies that include: Thinking, Movement, Imagining, Self-Talk and Copin

Chill Out Ice-Cream Activity

Frozen Pops Activity

10 Ways to Extend the Above 2 Strategies

Anger Cool Down Activity

3 Ways to Extend the Learning for the Above Strategy

"How to Deal with Anger" Printable Poster

"Cool Kid" Certificate Printable

3.12 MB PDF

USD 12.00

Sold by : Kidlutions

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