English eBook2 Epub

#harmfulEMFxposure #corruptcourts #legalmalfeasance #sequestration #internationallaw #romestatutes #constitutionallaw #civilrightslaw #humanrightsviolations #anewformofgenocide #corruptunitednations #strategicdistractions #fuckedhegemony 

RedWhiteandBluestheBraveSheep:   Blue dawning the genesis of the bravesheep sanctus infernum (to pay) & (sent) ad infernum… your armageddon.

RedWhiteandBluestheBraveSheep:  Blue dawning the genesis of the bravesheep sanctus infernum (to pay) & (sent) ad infernum… your armageddon.

Another eBook my 2nd that’s Guaranteed you another five million dollars from the great Era of sedition.                                                                                                 Except this time my targeted audience is five billion people(s) worldwide and now were going after these Specialists in the fields of all Cancers, all Heart diseases, and all Autoimmune diseases through chronic EMF exposure deceptions making our health system as the #1 cause of death, and I still haven’t attributed the iatrogenesis part (all other pharmaceuticals) my next eBook guaranteed another 5 million.                                   

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