At present, our cart is only available with text labels in English, and we are planning to add a language Localization option sometime later this year. Meanwhile, you can at least manually customize the text labels in the lower half of the cart (below the itemized order contents) however you wish. Just copy the code below, customize the text label at the end of each line (e.g. "Ship to Country" etc.) and paste that into your View Cart code on every page, just before the "// -->" line in the standard code we provide:
function EJEJC_config() {
function EJEJC_shown() {
jQuery("#country1").attr("innerHTML", "Ship to Country");
jQuery("#state1").attr("innerHTML", "Ship to Postal Code");
jQuery("#state2").attr("innerHTML", "(Update Cart after entering)");
jQuery("#dscnt_cd").attr("innerHTML", "Discount Code");
jQuery("#discount2").attr("innerHTML", "(Update Cart after entering)");
jQuery("#btnContShop").attr("value", "Continue Shopping");
jQuery("#btnUpdtCart").attr("value", "Update Cart");
jQuery("#tdPmnt").attr("innerHTML", "<b>Checkout:</b>");
jQuery("#EJEJC_closeWindowButton").attr("innerHTML", "<b>Close</b>");