Hi. Approximately 3 weeks ago, my notifications stopped working. (I'm sending data to Zapier via webhooks.) Has anything changed recently on e-junkie's end that would have affected notifications?Thanks,Timothy
Hi Timothy,There haven't been any changes, but you might want to delete an extra character out of your notification script. At Seller Admin > Edit Account Preferences you have the following as your common notification URL (I blanked out your specific info):http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/oplug.php?t&postto[1]=https://.../&postto[2]=https://.../The postto parameters are correct but there's an extra "t" just before them, between o_plug.php? and the actual start of the postto instructions. Maybe it was accidentally typed in there while you were doing something else on that screen? That might be the cause of the problem.
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