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E-junkie Help >

Common problems using E-junkie with WordPress

  • If you are having problems getting our standard cart overlay to display (instead of having the cart open a new popup window/tab), first make sure you have at least one complete block of your E-junkie Cart Script code on every page with any number of Add to Cart buttons.

    You may be able to get by as long as you can find a way to include at least this line (from your Cart Script code) somewhere in the source code of your WordPress page, perhaps by placing it in a template file:
    <script src="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • The Raw HTML plugin should help prevent our code from being modified by the WordPress software when you save your page, and you may also consult this WordPress Codex help page on using JavaScript in WordPress for additional helpful tips.
  • Problems have been reported using our cart on WordPress sites that use the Ultimate Google Analytics (GA) plugin, because of the way that plugin works by automatically modifying the HTML code of links on the site, which breaks the way our own cart button code works; we recommend disabling/removing that plugin on any WordPress site where our cart is being used, or you will have to use the non-JavaScript version of our cart button codes. If you would like to take advantage of the GA tracking features built into our standard cart, please see our Tracking help page here.