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Set up a list of discounts grouped under a common name
Here's an approach if you want to group a series of separate discounts under a common Discount Name—e.g., this can be handy for managing a series of Item Unit Price discounts on some (but not all) of your products, all using the same Discount Code, so buyers only need to enter that one code in their shopping cart to apply the discount to all eligible items in their cart.
- From your E-junkie Dashboard go to Manage Shop & Discounts > Discounts & Gift Coupons;
- Click the Add New Discount button:
- Enter a Discount Name here using only letters, numbers and spaces (no dashes, underscores, or other punctuation/symbols);
- Discount Applies To: select Item Unit Price, then select one eligible product;
- Specify the appropriate Discount Amount to markdown the original price of this product by a Flat Amount or % Off;
- Paste in a list of random Discount Codes, as many codes as the number of different products' discounts you want grouped together;
(Tip: You can use Random.org/strings to generate a list of random codes to copy and paste in.)
- When you click the Save button for that new discount, this will spin off a series of identical discounts, one for each code in the list, grouped under a common Discount Name;
- Normally, every discount requires a unique Discount Name, as that's what our system uses to distinguish each discount from the others;
- However, when saving a list of Discount Codes, our system adds an invisible suffix to the Name for each Code, allowing our system to save them as separate discounts but also group them together under the common portion of the Name before that suffix.
- Reload the Discounts Editor screen in your browser, then select your new Discount Name from the dropdown menu under Current Discounts;
- This should list all of the unique Discount Codes you'd just saved under that common Name;
- Click the View/Edit button for the first one in the list, then:
- Change its Discount Code to the common code you want to use (use uppercase letters and/or numbers only, no spaces or other punctuation/symbols);
- Click the Save button to apply changes.
- Click the View/Edit button for the next one in the list, then:
- Change its Discount Code to the common code you want to use;
- Change the Discount Product menu to the next product that you want eligible for this discount;
- If you wish, you can also change the Discount Amount to a different Flat Amount or % Off the original price of this selected product;
- Click the Save button to apply changes.
- Repeat the last step above for each of the other discounts in this group list.