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Help with E-junkie Account

Pricing, Billing, Subscription

E-junkie Billing & Subscriptions

Your E-junkie payments are administered by your PayPal account. Rather than receiving a bill or invoice from us, PayPal will simply schedule a monthly subscription payment to be sent from your PayPal account balance or backup funding source. You have full control over the subscription and can stop, change or restart it at any time. Click here to see our pricing.

It is not necessary to use the same PayPal account to accept payments from your own buyers, nor is it even neccessary to use PayPal to accept payments at all. You can use any of the other payment systems we support for this if you prefer.

If your subscription via PayPal is canceled for any reason there will be no immediate negative impact to your E-junkie account status. Your products and data will remain in place and we do our best to keep your service running even if there has been an unforeseen delay or complication with your scheduled payment. If you have any questions or concerns about your account status please feel free to contact us!

How to Subscribe:

  1. If you have never used E-junkie before, please register for an E-junkie login:
    • This will start your initial 14-day free trial period;
    • Once your trial period expires, you can upgrade your account to a paid subscription at any time;
    • If you already have an E-junkie account, you do not need to register another new account:
      • You can simply start a subscription for your existing E-junkie account—proceed to Step 2 below;
      • If your old account has lapsed, just contact us to have it revived (along with all your old products!) for a new free trial period to get you back on your feet.
  2. Log into your E-junkie Dashboard;
  3. Click on Start/Update Paid Subscription in the sidebar menu on the left;
    (If you're on a mobile device and don't see this sidebar menu, tap the 3-bar menu icon [☰] in the top-left corner to show it.)
  4. Find a plan level that will meet your needs:
    • You will only be shown plans that can accommodate your current usage (products and download file storage), so the cheapest plan available should be sufficient, and you can upgrade to a larger plan at any time;
    • You can check your current usage under Manage Seller Account > View Account Summary;
    • See pricing to review plans in advance.
  5. Click the Subscribe button next to that plan;
  6. This will take you PayPal, so you can log into the PayPal account that will send us your monthly subscription fee:
    • If you already have a PayPal account, just log into it here, so you can approve adding the new monthly payment plan in that PayPal account;
    • If you don't have a PayPal account, you can use the Create An Account button there (or this might say Pay with Debit or Credit Card) to register for a new PayPal account—bear in mind this will not work with any card that's already linked to another PayPal account;
    • You don't have to pay your subscription from the same PayPal account where you will receive buyer checkout payments;
    • You can pay your subscription fees through PayPal without also having to accept any PayPal checkout payments from buyers at all;
    • PayPal requires that you have a credit card at least linked to your PayPal account in order to set up a subscription, even if you won't choose that card as a backup funding source;
    • If you do not have a PayPal account and do not wish to register for one, or if you cannot link a credit card to the PayPal account you already have, contact us to arrange a non-refundable deposit to prepay for a full year of service in advance.
  7. In PayPal, choose a backup funding method for your Subscription payments to Sine Info Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (E-junkie's parent company), then click Continue:
    • PayPal will always fund subscription payments from your PayPal account balance;
    • They will only tap your chosen backup funding source if needed to bring up your PayPal account balance enough to cover the full payment amount.
  8. Click Agree & Subscribe—this will create an automatic recurring-payment schedule in your chosen PayPal account, telling them to send us the same amount on the same date every month.